將截標的西營盤醫院道官地 (IL8872) 華坊諮詢梁沛泓作出評論

「吊腳」 蚊型地盤截標 華坊料售 5.8億至6.1億元
Government Tender of a small residential land on Hospital Road, Sheung Wan
市建局崇慶里 / 桂香街項目尚未開標之際,同屬中西區的醫院道官地 (IL 8872) 將於7月 22日截標。醫院道為其中一條連接西營盤及半山區的「長命斜」馬路,沿途有菲臘牙科醫院、贊育醫院及西營盤賽馬會分科診所,行人和車流量少。
地盤位於醫院道的中段,地點吊腳;幸好可由地盤後方經匯賢居的公共電梯或小樓梯通往般咸道。總體上交通和生活配套均不大方便,勝在景觀開揚。地盤面積5,372方呎,作純住宅發展最高可建42,978方呎。此政府地盤的規模屬蚊型,但有限呎條款,每住宅單位實用面積不可少於 280方呎,將大大影響發展商出價。
華坊諮詢料地皮可售 5.8億至6.1億元,樓面地價每方呎約1.35萬至1.42萬元。
我們董事的進一步評論 (僅限英文)
Further comments from our director
Gov't tender of a small residential site (IL 8872) was closed today with 11 bids received. Hospital Road is a long-inclined driveway linking Sai Ying Pun and Mid-levels. The site is located at the middle section of the driveway, and is rather inconvenient. Fortunately, there is a public lift in an adjacent private development providing access to Bonham Road/ High Street. The max developable GFA on the site is 42,978 sqft. Only three car parking spaces could be exempted from GFA. Besides, six stonewall trees on the boundary of the site have to be retained. Market expectations on the successful bid vary from HK$580m to $850m. Our Senior Director Alex Leung opines it would be on the lower side. 星島日報 (Singtao) - https://bit.ly/3aUPAAr 香港01 (HK01) - https://bit.ly/3b10h4j 香港經濟日報 (HKET) - https://bit.ly/3yZAbXp 觀點網 (Guandian) https://bit.ly/3Ploxgt Mingtiandi (明天地) https://bit.ly/3oktoTe