對觀塘安達臣道首幅商業地的標價 華坊諮詢梁沛泓表示樂觀

Government Tender of first retail mall land at Anderson Road, Kwun Tong
安達臣道石礦場發展區的首幅商業地 (Lot 1078 in SD3) 將在 8月26日截標。地盤面積約 63,292方呎,項目須於 2028年年中前完工,可發展為購物商場,最高可建樓面面積為 139,242方呎。
整個發展區以 9 : 1比例作中密度發展,供公、私營住宅用途,可容納約 3萬人。公營項目中只提供約2萬個零售樓面,將來居民的日常消費,將主要依靠發展區中央的兩幅商業地皮。現時觀塘半山一帶以秀茂坪商場的面積最大,超過20萬方呎,而安達邨和安泰邨的商舖不多,只有40多間。本次招標項目旁邊亦擬建體育館、社區會堂、公共圖書館等設施,並有升降機塔及行人天橋連接山下的屋邨,相信能吸引其他屋邨居民前往消費。
區內華懋的新盤明年可入伙,長實的首置盤則在2026年初完工,其餘資助性房屋的居民亦會在竣工時遷入。所以本項目作為民生商場發展風險並不高。另外,區內第二幅商業地亦在 2022/23年度賣地計畫之中,若最終兩商業地均由同一發展商奪標,租金回報會更理想。
華坊預計首幅商業地皮可售約8.1至9.1億元,樓面地價每方呎約5,800至 6,500港元。
我們董事的進一步評論 (僅限英文)
Further comments from our director
Government tender of a local shopping mall site (Lot 1078 in SD3) at Anderson Road will be closed on 26 Aug. Our Senior Director Alex Leung is optimistic about the tender price for the reasons that
1) Residents in upper Kwun Tong area will be attracted to this location where community facilities and large open space will be provided;
2) Awarded developer is required to complete the mall before July 2028. Residents in that new area would have been moved in before that moment; and
3) Aggressive bid may come from developer(s) who intend to acquire both retail sites in this new area and dominate the local market.
Our expected award price was in the region of hk$5,800 to 6,500 psf (on AV).
香港經濟日報 (HKET) - https://bit.ly/3pOEKjb
Mingtiandi (明天地) - https://bit.ly/3AQ2iuq