東涌第57區商業地 2020 年截標時只收到三份標書。華坊諮詢梁沛泓當時建議政府對於此類商業地,可考慮容許商業與數據中心的混合用途,吸引發展商入標並及時興建,讓樓宇落成後成為該新區的第一批配套設施
Government tender of Tung Chung commercial land on new reclamation area received 3 bidders only. Our Alex Leung recommends the government to allow composite data centre and commercial building, and let such building to be the pioneer project of the new area. Our Alex valued a telephone exchange with office floors thereabout in 2008, when PCCW split off its real estate arm.
HKEJ: https://bit.ly/3o5vcOr
HKET: https://bit.ly/347Q3J2
MingPao: https://bit.ly/3o1qD7X
Oriental Daily: https://bit.ly/3m0Jhel
Singtao: https://bit.ly/35elEIi
Ta Kung Pao: https://bit.ly/349TMpH
Metro Radio: https://bit.ly/3kbTsMG
CHFT's Suggested Idea is being Adopted by the HKSAR Government
By 30 Dec 2021, the government announced to re-tender this Tung Chung site. Under the new conditions of the land, data centre use is also allowed.
HK01 : https://bit.ly/3TMGwi0
Mingpao: https://bit.ly/3zrMRY7