恒地奪中環地王 508億史上最貴
今年六月,華坊諮詢估計該地皮最高入標價約530億至550億元,樓面地價每方呎約32800至34000元,料中標價可輕易打破以往紀錄,估計有興趣參與競投的發展商及財團只有4至5家。(HKET: https://bit.ly/3GSxo5l)
Henderson Land Development Co won a prime land plot along Hong Kong’s famed Victoria Harbour with a record-breaking bid of HK$50.8 billion ($6.5 billion) as it expands its portfolio in the city’s most important business district. The price was lower than CHFT's HK$53-55 billion expectation in June but in line with the market.
The government said only two bidders out of six managed to pass its vetting criteria under a “double-envelope” approach, with the developers’ design proposals also taken into consideration. Alex Leung, senior director of CHFT said it was surprising as the bidders were conservative with the price.
am730: https://bit.ly/3EHhlFI
大公報: https://bit.ly/3k1PnwE