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華坊董事總經理盧銘恩接受無綫新聞財經節目訪問 就特斯拉新舉動發表產經評論


No surprises in Tesla's new development plan?

華坊(CHFT)董事總經理盧銘恩3月8日接受無綫新聞財經節目“智富360”訪問,就「Tesla發展宏圖無驚喜?」發表產經評論。他談到Tesla于3月1日發佈的「Master Plan 3」,該計劃未提及新車Cybertruck,并且未提完全「可持續方案」,成爲投資者最大失望點,Tesla股價在盤後大跌5.6%。

Elon Mask于2006年發佈「Master Plan 1」,提出開發電動跑車Roadster,同時宣佈開發利用新能源充電;10年後發佈「Master Plan 2」,提出開發無人駕駛技術,并且要將產品綫擴大至公共交通。盧銘恩就Tesla的發展藍圖和實現狀況展開了分析和觀點分享,詳情請收看: (44分10秒)

On March 8, Mr. Leo Lo, Managing Director of CHFT, was interviewed by TVB's financial news program "智富360" and commented on “No surprises in Tesla's new development plan?” He talked about Tesla's "Master Plan 3" announced on March 1, which did not mention “Cybertruck” and did not mention a full "sustainability plan".

Elon Mask announced "Master Plan 1" in 2006, proposing the development of “Roadster” and the development of charging with new energy sources, and "Master Plan 2" 10 years later, proposing the development of driverless technology and the expansion of the product line to public transportation. Mr. Lo shared his analysis and viewpoints on Tesla's development blueprint and implementation status. For more details, please visit: (44’10’’)


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