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早前公布的施政報告提及到港交所進一步改善上市機制和在徵詢市場意見後,將在香港設立特殊目的收購公司的上市制度,早CHFT執行董事羅珏瑜(Stella) 昨天被無綫新聞邀請到《智富360》 進行現場訪問,與觀眾分享了投資SPAC值得注意的地方。Stella 提到, SPAC 投資者在早期投資階段需要考慮到自己對將被併購的公司的行業熟悉程度, 以及同類行業中其他經SPAC上市公司的股價波動及業績數據。 此外,發起人的投資經驗及往績亦值得參考。

提及到香港推行SPAC 的難處,Stella 認為,港交所對SPAC公眾持有量及集資額的要求令上市門檻較高,但相信SPAC 能提供一個機會給在內地未必達到上市要求但有良好前景的公司前來香港,吸引更多新經濟及新型業務,例如生物科技,在香港上市。

After HK Government supporting the Hong Kong Exchange and Clearing Limited (HKEX) to further enhance listing regime, and to establish a listing regime for special purpose acquisition companies in Hong Kong after consulting the market, Stella Law Executive Director of CHFT was interviewed by TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) news, saying a backdoor listing normally takes years to complete and may fail to receive approval from financial watchdog, but a SPAC, for an example, the US SPAC is typically designated to pursue a merger in 24 months, and some could even complete de-SPAC merger in six months. Thus, SPAC saves time, which could encourage more companies such as mainland companies to go that path, she said.



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